Maximize Conversions:
Maximize Conversions is a great strategy to do exactly that, provide you with the most conversions for your budget. This strategy has shown great return for accounts that have strong historical conversion volume and leverages Google’s machine learnings to adjust your bid at the real-time auction.
How it Works: “Using historical information about your campaign and evaluating the contextual signals present at auction-time, Maximize conversions bidding automatically finds an optimal bid for your ad each time it's eligible to appear. Google Ads sets these bids to help get the most conversions for your campaign while spending your budget.”
Please note that utilizing this bidding strategy will remove existing bid adjustments as well as device/location adjustments in your campaign. Google will utilize these adjustments to provide the most conversions based on your daily budget.
This is a great strategy to apply with a healthy account. Maximize conversions has been able to scale with increased budgets and has shown gains in overall CPA trends.
Let us help with your Automated Bidding Strategies
Automated Bidding Strategies are not going away any time soon, and with the recent changes to Google Ads, it may not be long before these are our only options and Manual CPC is gone. Figuring out which strategies work best for your campaigns’ specific goals will help enhance the performance of automated bidding. Providing Google with as much historical data ensures that your campaigns will be set up for success moving forward.
Let us help start off your campaigns with Manual CPC for bench line metrics in your Google Ads program. We will get your account to a good place in terms of manual bids and conversion volume while using automated strategies to assist with scaling your campaigns to the next level. As always with Paid Search, we approach it with a growth mindset and are ready to test out new features for the betterment of your campaigns. Contact us to start your Paid campaign today!