Keeping up with SEO news and tips posted on the web could easily turn into a full-time job, leaving you little time for your own work.  Yet, if your work involves search engine optimization, you know how important it is to stay updated on what’s happening within the industry.

You need to know when search engines make algorithm updates and how those updates could affect your campaigns. If a new tool comes out that might be helpful in your work, or one of your peers blogs about interesting test results or a tip you haven’t thought of, you want to read it.

Through blogs, forums, social media and more you can stay up-to-date in the search industry, but doing so really eats up your time. There are simply not enough hours in the day to read it all, and you need to spend your time strategizing and executing. So, while going through the news and tips I thought we’d share a few things you might have missed as you poured yourself into the work.

SEO News & Tips You Might Have Missed in June

These represent just a few of the SEO news updates and tips we saw in June. Now that we’re in July, you can bet we will see more to come.

About The Author

Terri Stevens loves to travel, especially aboard cruise ships (floating casinos!), and spends free time with family and enjoying the outdoors.

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